Little Free Libraries

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In Katarokwi-Kingston, particularly around Skeleton Park and Queen’s University, decorative and personalized mini libraries can be found alongside sidewalks and in gardens of neighbourhood houses. Inside each library are assortments of used books. Little Free Libraries, like traditional libraries, are depositories of literature, knowledge, and resources. However, the mini libraries have fewer barriers to access - the community does not need a membership to loan books and many of books are crowdsourced.  However, these mini libraries are scattered throughout the community, allowing passersby to lend and borrow books with greater ease.

Little Free Library is a non-profit organization based in Wisconsin, with an overall goal of improving literacy by enabling equitable and greater access to books. Some Little Free Libraries are self-sustaining, with visitors regularly borrowing and replacing books, while others choose to stay actively involved in restocking their libraries. Sometimes, the libraries contain books with very niche subject matter – for example, a library dedicated to political activist resources – however, most contain a varied selection. 

Judi Wyatt has tried to make her library as accessible as possible to her small cul-de-sac community. The maintenance of Wyatt’s Little Free Library has become both a community effort and a hub for social connection.