Kingston School of Art

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The Kingston School of Art (KSOA) is a community-based art school that was formed in 1994. The school seeks to provide a supportive learning environment, and to mitigate financial and social barriers to participation in the arts through studio-based courses that foster individuality, innovation, and community.

KSOA’s core philosophy is that courses should be for all ages and stages. The school has developed programs for toddlers and for seniors, for those who are new to art and those with established careers.

Untitled Series from the Paint the Town Event, 2021, photograph.
Photography by Viara Mileva, Courtesy of Kingston School of Art. 

Through their skill-based courses, KSOA teachers engage their students in conversations about the arts and issues that are important to the community. As instructor Floriana Ehninger-Cuervo explains, she teaches her students to use the arts to express how they feel, what they see, and to create positive change in the communities in which they live.